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geschrieben von Maqz am Samstag, 29. August 2015 (3877 Aufrufe) druckerfreundliche Ansicht

Josh Neufeld erzählt weiter. Was machen die Überlebenden heute?

"Where are they now? Revisiting 4 Katrina survivors 10 years later"

A.D.: New Orleans After the DelugeUm das Jahr 2009 berichteten wir über die Comic-Reportage von Josh Neufeld, der als freiwilliger Rotkreuz Helfer in Biloxi, Mississippi seine Erlebnisse zu Katrina-Katastrophe aktuell ins Web bloggte und kurze Zeit später das Buch "KATRINA CAME CALLING" verfasste. Nun meldete er sich mit einer kurzen Mail bei mir zurück, um zum 10 Jährigen Gedenken an die Opfer und die Überlebenden zu erinnern...

Wer in Englisch nicht so fit ist, kann gerne unseren Translator deutsch verwenden!

Hey there,

Since you were kind enough to cover A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge (both its web and print incarnations) in the past, I thought you might be interested in a little “update” I just reported and drew, now up on Fusion’s “Graphic Culture” section .

With Hurricane Katrina's tenth anniversary coming up (officially tomorrow [means 29.08. Markus Gruber ComicRadioShow]), I reconnected with A.D. characters Leo, Hamid, Kwame, and Dr. Lutz, asking them about how they're doing, and their thoughts on the state of New Orleans, Katrina's legacy, and the anniversary. (Another major character, Denise, chose not to be interviewed for this update.) I've structured the piece as a sort of conversation among the characters. As you might expect, there are a multitude of feelings around these issues, some in alignment and some in conflict.

A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge

The new comics story is called "Where are they now? Revisiting 4 Katrina survivors 10 years later," and I hope you find it food for thought: http://fusion.net/story/190071/where-are-they-now-revisiting-4-hurricane-katrina-survivors-10-years-later/


- josh neufeld


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Hier noch unser Interview mit Josh Neufeld

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(c)opyright Josh Neufeld

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Ralf König zeichnet! UPDATE mit mehr Karikaturen!

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