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geschrieben von Maqz am Samstag, 16. Januar 2010 (3193 Aufrufe) druckerfreundliche Ansicht

Exhibition: Drawing the Sword

Lone Wolf & Cub San Francisco, CA – The popular Japanese art forms of manga and anime cut into the past and assume their rightful place in the canon of fine art in a new exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum. Drawing the Sword: Samurai in Manga and Anime (January 16 through May 2, 2010) explores the complex evolution of Japanese artistic traditions by demonstrating the ever-changing image of the iconic samurai.

Curated by Julian Bermudez, the exhibit juxtaposes 19th century woodblock prints with 21st animation production cels and drawings. Additionally, the exhibit includes animation production models, motion picture stills, original comic book drawings, American and Japanese comic books, and toys from private collections. Popular titles on display throughout the exhibit include fan favorites such as Afro Samurai, Bleach, Evangelion, Gundam, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Champloo, Samurai Jack, Lone Wolf and Cub, Usagi Yojimbo, and Wolverine.

Drawing the Sword: Samurai in Manga and Anime is a visual exploration across time. Each section illustrates the unique styles and designs of one of Japan’s fastest growing exports, as well as their influences on American culture. However, the exhibit also examines significant social issues relevant to our times: mass globalization, war, peace, identity, and nationalism. It is through this visual history that the exhibit affirms manga and anime as true works of art, and demonstrates the links between fine art and popular culture.

Cartoon Art Museum exhibition: January 16 – May 2, 2010


Tuesday to Sunday, 11am – 5pm
Closed Monday and on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day, Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


$6 – Adults
$4 – Students & Seniors
$2 – Children (ages 6 – 12)
FREE – Children (age 5 & under)


Cartoon Art MuseumAddress:‎
655 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105


(415) 227-8666

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