

30 Fragen an Nate Piekos :: Comic Radio Show :: Comics erfrischend subjektiv, seit 1992!  
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geschrieben von Maqz am Montag, 21. Januar 2008 (5335 Aufrufe) druckerfreundliche Ansicht

Hail Cheddar!

Nate Piekos Nate Piekos fand ich mehr durch Zufall im Internet über www.blambot.com und blieb schließlich bei seinem Web-Comic Atland kleben. Schräger Humor gepaart mit bunten Kaugummi-Zeichnungen brauchte ich um mich prompt bis Episode 170 durchzuklicken. Nun will ich mehr, wenigstens mehr über Nate wissen. Darum hab' ich ihn interviewt...und er hat prompt 30 Fragen in Rekordzeit beantwortet.

NATE PIEKOS graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Design from Rhode Island College in 1998. Since founding Blambot, he has lettered comic books for Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Oni Press and Dark Horse Comics as well as dozens of independent publishers.
Nate Piekos
In 2001 he became type designer to Harvey Award Winner, Mike "Madman" Allred, and has had his designs licensed by such companies as Microsoft, Six Flags Amusement Parks, New Yorker Magazine, The Gap, and many more. Nate's work has not only been utilized in comics, but on television and in feature films as well.
Between 1999 and 2007, Nate lost 70lbs through a complete change in diet and a strict, daily regimen of cardio and weight training.
When not designing, Nate is a voracious reader, a published writer and illustrator, and a dedicated musician. He lives in New England with his wife and two fish.

Nate Piekos
ComicRadioShow: Hi Nate. Is there anything we must know before we start with the real Questions? Maybe "No questions about my Weight!" or so?

NATE: Anything is fair game! Fire away!

CRS: What is your weight today?

NATE: 150 lbs.

CRS: Your Online-Comic Atland and Blambot Comic Fonts & Lettering are obvious a big success. On which Project spend you more work on?

NATE: It's about even, actually. I work on both every day.
Nate Piekos
CRS: And which one do you like more?

NATE: I love them both equally. But ATLAND is more of a hobby. It's like a break from "work".

CRS: For what Comic/Artwork/or-anything-else may a German Comic-Fan recognize you?

NATE: I've lettered comic books for Marvel and Dark Horse regularly for the past 5 years or so. (X-STATIX, X-MEN FIRST CLASS, HELLBOY ANIMATED, etc.) And I've started writing for them as well. (HELLBOY ANIMATED, and some new projects that I can't talk about yet.)
Nate Piekos

CRS: And for which reason should (german) Comic-Fans know you?

NATE: Isn't this the same question you just asked?

CRS: How do you plan your dayly (Comic-)Work.

NATE: I plan it by deadlines. What needs to be done and what do I have time to fit in. It depends what the publishers give me to work on and what I have to do for my websites. Some weeks I'm extremely busy and other weeks I'm not. But it's nice to be your own boss. I can wake up when I want to and make my own schedule.

CRS: Is there a specific intention you put in your Stories?

NATE: That depends what I'm working on. ATLAND stories are mostly just for fun. When I write things for publishers, sometimes they have underlying points.
Nate Piekos

CRS: Why Fantasy?

NATE: It was my favorite genre when I was a kid. I played RPGs growing up and I wanted to have the chance to be in that setting every week!

CRS: On www.blambot.com you write several Articles (Making a Great Comic, Ruling Your Original Art Pages, How to Hand Letter a Comic) which help Newbies into the Comic-Business. Why do you write them? Do you give Courses?

NATE: I write them becuase when I was starting out, none of these things were online. So I like to help out people who are looking for these things.

CRS: Do your wife draw Comics?

NATE: Nope.

CRS: What are the Names of your two fish?

NATE: Spike and Chester.
Nate Piekos

CRS: How did you get the job from Mike Allred?

NATE: A fan of mine e-mailed him about me. Then he e-mailed me and we talked a bit. We dug each others' work and he decided to take a chance on me. He's a great guy.

CRS: What is your actual Comic-Job?

NATE: I went to school for graphic design, but I'm a letterer in comics terms.

Nate Piekos

CRS: Did you ever wanna be someone else? Firefighter or Policeman?

NATE: Nope. I always knew I would be an artist.

CRS: Do your parents call you from time to time to get a "real" job?

NATE: I have a real job. I make a great living doing something I love. How many people can say that? I'm very lucky and they're happy for me.

CRS: How long will you draw Atland? Will it be a never ending Comic-Fantasy-Soap?

NATE: The story will end around episode 220 or so. Then I may take a break and re-start it with new adventures. We'll see.
Nate Piekos

CRS: Drawing, designing, writing, making music, feed the fish... is there anything else in your life?

NATE: Nope. That's enough to keep me busy.

CRS: Do you belive in the concept of friendship?

NATE: Certainly.

CRS: Is religion a part of your life or does satan controls you?

NATE: I believe in the One True Cheese. All hail cheddar.

CRS: Who do you want for the next President of the US?

NATE: Does it matter? Anyone could do a better job.

CRS: What was first? Your Webcomic or the printed Issues?

NATE: The webcomic. I turn those into the print books.

CRS: Do you have a Motto, a phrase, that helps you through life?

NATE: Do it yourself.
Nate Piekos
CRS: What are your favorite Comic Artists?

NATE: Stan Sakai, Frank Miller, Mike Mignola, Azpiri, Mitch Byrd...there's a lot.

CRS: What was the kick to write for the Hellboy-Series?

NATE: It was my first professional writing job! It was a lot of fun. I love writing.

CRS: Will there be more stories?

NATE: I've written a script for Marvel that will be coming out soon, and I have a project with Dark Horse that will be coming out in March for Dark Horse Presents on MySpace.

CRS: Why do you sell your original Art? (We want offers!)
Nate Piekos
NATE: Because the readers begged for me to sell them...no, I'm kidding. It's to make more money. Is there another reason than to make money?

CRS: How important is the Feedback of your Fans to you?

NATE: I love feedback, but it doesn't effect my work. I do what I do becuase I love it and it makes me happy. If it makes you happy too, then great! If not, I don't really care.

CRS: What do the Fans want from you most? "Please draw more JUNO THE HUNTRESS- and LILY WHITE-PinUps!" or "No more sheeps, Please!" or "We, the russian Mafia, again apologize for the burning of your Mac"

NATE: Naked pictures of the women in ATLAND. I get those e-mails a lot. Everyone wants a naked picture of Lily. And I have those! But no one's ever going to see them. They're all mine.

CRS: Who is the best Help in your actual Life? (Your Mac, your crayon, your fish, your wife, your money, your Music)

NATE: My wife. She's the best.

Nate Piekos
CRS: Where did you spend your last Holidays?

NATE: At home with family.

CRS: Where will you be in 30 Minutes?

NATE: Finding something to cook for dinner.

CRS: What will you draw in 30 years?

It doesn't matter what I'm drawing as long as I'm still happy doing it.

CRS: Nate Piekos, thank you for the Interview!

NATE: Thanks!


Nate Piekos

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