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geschrieben von Maqz am Samstag, 18. März 2017 (4553 Aufrufe) druckerfreundliche Ansicht

"I’m lucky to get to do what I love for a living."

Terry Moore 1998Terry Moore todayOur ComicRadioShow-Team interviewed Terry Moore 19 Years ago in Erlangen. We were (and are) big Fanboys, we liked (and like) his Strangers in Paradise and had a great Time while interviewing. It was our first (and last) Time we met him personally. Now Terry Moore will visit the int. Comicfestival Munich in May (25.5.-28.05.17) and I will be there too. Maybe we will meet again but to be save a good konversation early I asked him ten Questions before Munich.

Wer in Englisch nicht so fit ist, kann gerne den Translator deutsch verwenden!

ComicRadioShow: Hello Terry Moore, its an honor to meet you (via Mail) again. :-) How are you?
Terry Moore: Good, thank you. Happy to be talking with you.

CRS: Do you still have the slightes memory of your visit to Erlangen 1998 (or our Interview? ;-))
TM: I remember the trip and the great people I met. I remember a university girl sitting on the back of a bus bench with friends and falling back into the bushes laughing. Good times.
Terry Moore 1998
CRS: What happend to "Strangers in Paradise" in all these Years? For example: I accidently discovered your SIP complete edition (german) at the Munic Public Library yesterday.
TM: I’m happy to hear you found that book. Incredibly, SIP has survived the years and is still in print to this day in numerous languages. That’s amazing when I think of all the books that have come and gone since then.
Strangers in Paradise Omnibus

CRS: How developed your self publishing-business with "Abstract Studio"? And how do you think about your short trip to Hommage/Image now. A look back in anger?
TM: I have no bad feelings about the past. You always look back and see that you walked a winding path, right? It still got me here and for that I am grateful. Plus I had the opportunity to meet and hang out with Jim Lee for a year or so. He’s a good man and as smart as anybody I’ve met. I learned some things from him about how to be professional and still keep your enthusiasm for the fun side of art and comics. Very inspiring guy. But I chose to publish my own books in America. It worked out better for me for many reasons.

Terry Moore 1998
CRS: You won so many Awards for your comics since 1998. Did this fact influence your work in any way?
TM: You can’t let the praise influence the work. You can let it recharge your desire to work, but when it’s time to work you have to be in your own world doing your own thing for yourself. If you do it for a crowd, it becomes something else. Trying to write something inspired and original is not the same thing as being an entertainer. If you’re lucky, what you write will become entertainment later. But it has to be born as a pure original thought, so that’s where I try to live when I’m working. Hopefully there is an audience for it later and hopefully people like it.
Terry Moore Echo
CRS: Beside your independence in your publishing, you work for mainstram-comic-companies from time to time. Can you describe the difference between doin your own stuff and working for Marvel/DC...?
TM: Think of it as the difference between having your own band or being a hired musician in somebody’s else’s band. That’s how I made my decision. In my 20’s I was a working musician playing with cover bands. I paid the rent, but cover bands don’t go anywhere and neither did my career. Later in life when I decided to make comics, I felt it was important to do my own work. I would rather have my original stories on the shelf than an assortment of mainstream comics I drew. That’s just a very personal choice. It only works for me. Trust me, if I had no story ideas, I would kill to work for DC or Marvel. I should be so lucky.

CRS: For me Strangers in Paradise or Rachel Rising (or Echo) would be perfect for an Movie or TV-adaption? What ist your opinion about that (fact!)? :)
TM: I think you are brilliant! Yes, I would love to see my work on the screen. Between music and comics, I worked for 12 years as a TV editor and my father was a director, so I come from the TV & Film world. I am ready to go back to it if they will let me bring my stories with me. My books are right for TV because they are about interesting characters, and that’s what TV does best.
Terry Moore Motor Girl
CRS: What can we expect from your new Comic-Series "Motor Girl"?
TM: Motor Girl is about Samantha, a decorated war veteran with PTSD who is working in a desert junkyard with her imaginary friend Mike—a 600 pound gorilla. A UFO crashes into the junkyard one night, Sam and Mike make repairs and send them on their way. Now E.T. has a crush on Sam and an industrial bigwig wants to buy the junkyard and install an anti-UFO weapon. So Sam has to step up to the challenge to save everybody but she has to meet the biggest challenge of all: reality.

The series is planned to go 10 issues. Unless the world goes crazy for it, in which case I will make more.
Terry Moore Motor Girl

CRS: What are your plans in Munich? Do you have touristic interests to visit the Hofbräuhaus?
TM: I’ve not been to Munich before so everything there will be new for me. I’ve been to Germany a couple of times so I already know I love the country and the people. I’m really looking forward to coming back!
Terry Moore Rachel Rising

CRS: At The german "Tagesspiegel" ( your "Rachel Rising" (besides "Outcast" from Robert Kirkman and Paul Azaceta) reflects the Zeitgeist of the Aera Trump. Do you intend it the same way?
TM: As you say, I wrote and finished Rachel Rising before Trump was elected. I was just trying to write a story about a couple of people who have been forced to watch every empire in history come and go. These two survivors would have a different point of view of life and humanity and that’s where the story was interesting for me. I think I wrote the story because I spend a lot of time wondering about the rise and fall of humanity. I wish our politicians did the same.

CRS: Back to our Interview in 1998: "At the end I would like to ask you, like everybody we interviewed, for some kind of final statement, something you want to say to our readers."
TM: Thank you for your interest in my work. I am very grateful to the fans for my career. I’m lucky to get to do what I love for a living. I’m looking forward to my trip to Munich and meeting the readers who found my books!

CRS: Thank you for this Interview and I hope to see you in Munich! :-)
TM: Thank you!

Terry Moore SiP

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