Comic Radio Show

Coming Soon - Die Simpsons: Der Film

Nachrichten / Film & TV
geschrieben von Maqz am 10.06.2005, 13:52 Uhr

Es ist jetzt Offiziell

Beispiel Es wird einen animierten Kino-Film, der auf der Simpsons Fernsehserie basiert geben. Eine Sprecherin der Serie bestätigte am Mittwoch (08/06/05), daß die Hauptstimmen und ein bewährtes Autorenteam für das Projekt unterzeichnet haben. Antonia Kaughman erklärte MTV-News, daß sie neben dem Film zur gleichen Zeit auch weiterhin an der TV Serie arbeiten werden. "Now we're going to get the best of both worlds, evidently," sagte Kaughman.

Weiterhin heisst es in der Quelle: (
Simpsons Spasskalender 2003
Kaughman added that series creator Matt Groening "just kind of laughs, because we always said there was no way to pull the writers off or go hire writers that haven't worked on the show. ... They finally worked out a movie team, a team of the writers, because we could never hire outside writers -- they had to be Simpsons writers, and most of them were working on the show. Well, they finally put this team together that has time on the side, and they've been working on the script." She said that the project was only in its infancy and that there is "no release date -- we don't have the animation house lined up yet." Separately, Nancy Cartwright, who plays Bart Simpson, said on BBC Radio: "I don't know the name of [the movie], and I can't go into details about it, and we'll just have to see how it goes, but I think it's going to be great and the fans are going to dig it."

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